State Senate
Hon. Jerry Hill
Hon. Joe Simitian (former)
State Assembly
Hon. Rich Gordon
Hon. Kevin Mullin
San Mateo County Board of Supervisors
Hon. Carole Groom
Hon. Don Horsley
Hon. Dave Pine
Hon. Warren Slocum
Hon. Adrienne Tissier
Hon. John Ward (former)
Former Mayors & Council Members
Hon. Daniela Gasparini
Hon. Dick Claire
Hon. Diane Howard, Former Mayor, Current Council Member
Hon. Georgi LaBerge
Hon. Paul Sanfilipo
Hon. Brent Britschgi
Redwood City School Board
Hon. Maria Diaz-Slocum
Hon. Lorianna Kastrop (former)
Hon. Alisa McAvoy
Hon. Dennis McBride
Hon. Patricia Wright (former)
Sequoia Union High School District
Hon. Laura Martinez
Hon. Oliva Martinez
Hon. Alan Sarver
Hon. Allen Weiner
San Mateo County Community College District
Hon. Dave Mandelkern
Hon. Patricia Miljanich
Hon. Karen Schwarz
San Mateo County Board of Education
Hon. Rod Hsiao
Hon. Ted Lempert
San Mateo County Harbor District
Hon. Nicole David
San Mateo County Sheriff's Department
Carlos Bolanos, San Mateo County Undersheriff
San Mateo County Coroner
Hon. Robert Foucrault
Redwood City Firefighters Association
San Mateo County Firefighters Association
Sierra Club
San Mateo County Association of Realtors
San Mateo Daily Journal
Tri-County Apartment Association
Democratic Party Endorsements
Peninsula Stonewall Democrats
Peninsula Young Democrats
San Mateo County Democratic Families Club
San Mateo County Democratic Party
Community Leaders, Friends and Neighbors
Deborah Adams
Mary Albitz
Barbara Archbold Tolibas
Alpio Barbara
Keith Bautista
Josh Becker
Patricia Black
Janet Borgens
Barbara Britschgi
Patricia Brown
Joanne Bruggemann
June Bury
Alan Bygdnes
Lee Callister
Lisa Carlos-Queener
Carol and John Casterman
Lynn Chou Jonas
Lillian Clark
Sandra Cooperman
Warren Dale
Tiffany and Brett DiMarco
Dick Dodge
Kaia Eakin
Dee and Rich Eva
Carol Ford
Jason Galisatus
Ralph Garcia
Matt Greenberg
Giselle Hale
Trynie Hermary
Janice Hough
Rick Hunter
Lynnette Huth
Todd Irwin
Georgia Jack
Kris Johnson
Barry and Carol Jolette
Alice Kaufman
Stephanie Kolkka
Jan Kuch
Matt Leddy
Doug Levick
Rick Lewis
Ramiro Maldonado
Kirsten McKay
Mark Moulton
John Nelson
Julie Pardini
Kat Petrick
Tamara and Walter Piulle
Pamela and Dan Ponti
Catherine Poston
Beverly Purrington
Gail Raabe
Johanna Rasmussen
Bob and Jane Reed
Jennifer Reif
Ken Rolandelli
Ernie Schmidt
Craig Seim
Robert Slusser
Penelope "Penny" Stebbins
Susan Swope
Vince Truscelli
Barbara Valley
Regina Van Brunt
Michael Verdone
Nancy and Rene White
Paula Uccelli
Renee Zimmerman
Ian has demonstrated his commitment to citizen involvement in the decision-making process. His leadership has led to increased awareness of council actions and made it more convenient for seniors to be better informed.
June Bury,
McGarvey Ave, Roosevelt Plaza
Ian is the kind of public servant our city needs. He has been very responsive and I appreciate his dedication to our city. He is one of our best council members and will always have my vote.
Lillian Clark,
Alameda de las Pulgas, Woodside Plaza