Manage Money Wisely | Improving Government Operations | Preserving Our History Beautifying Our City | Ensuring Public Safety | Maintaining Parks and Libraries

Managing Money Wisely
As a member of the City’s audit and finance committees, Ian has worked to ensure strong fiscal management.
He's helped manage the city through challenging financial times, balancing the budget and ensuring essential services.

Improving Government Operations
As chair of the environmental initiatives committee, Ian led the effort to develop the City's climate action plan.
He led the effort to conserve energy in public buildings, resulting in a 22% decrease in electricity and 34% decrease in natural gas since 2005.

Preserving Our History
Ian has led the effort to preserve historic homes that would have otherwise been destroyed by development.
He's working to restore the historic character of the Stambaugh Heller neighborhood along Middlefield Road.

Beautifying our City
Woodside Road used to be blighted with tall weeds and trash. Ian worked successfully beautify Woodside Road and ensure ongoing maintenance.
He helped develop the City's public art policy and is actively working to bring public art to our community.

Maintaining Parks and Libraries
We have a world-class library, and Ian is committed to maintaining that status as we innovate for the future.
He's supported the renovation of parks throughout the city, worked to acquire new lands for parks and worked to establish a new centrally located dog park.