Middlefield to get makeover: Utilities to go underground, streetscape improvements planned
iddlefield Road has a major makeover in the works as both the county and Redwood City embark on making sweeping improvements to the...
Update: Ian Bain met with the owner of the building and got him to agree to give them more time. They ended up with agreement to stay...

Council spars over ‘ideal candidate’: Redwood City recruiting city manager to replace Bob Bell
The search to find the “ideal candidate” to replace outgoing Redwood City Manager Bob Bell hit a slight snag as some on the council...

OP-ED: Salt ponds not zoned for housing
I would like to publicly thank our local members of Congress for weighing in on the status of the salt ponds in Redwood City. Speaking...

Downtown boomtown: Some in Redwood City like the change, others don’t
El Camino Real between Veterans Boulevard and Whipple Avenue between Main Street is experiencing an unprecedented growth spurt that is...

Downtown Redwood City plan tweaked in favor of office space
By Michelle Durand Daily Journal Redwood City’s blueprint for downtown development is being tweaked to increase the allowable office...

Redwood City seeks to save historic homes endangered by development boom
Pictured here on Oct. 10, 2014, construction in downtown Redwood City stands behind a house on 103 Wilson St. that is currently being...

Redwood City may force future downtown developers to provide public benefits
San Jose Mercury News By Bonnie Eslinger Daily News Staff Writer With the city in a building boom, Redwood City may create a community...
Council tells developers to move fast if they want to build offices in downtown Redwood City
San Jose Mercury News By Bonnie Eslinger Daily News Staff Writer All those developers who applied to construct office buildings in...

Electric car drivers may start paying to charge up at Redwood City stations
San Jose Mercury News By Bonnie Eslinger Daily News Staff Writer Eric Damron of Tenino, Wash., charges up his Nissan Leaf electric car at...